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More "Walther Clone" fuel for the fire...

Posted: April 12th, 2015, 12:27 am
by gman68w
The Polish word for "bond" is "łącznik", which is perilously close to the name "Łucznik", the factory in Radom where the P-64 was manufactured.

Well, -I- thought it was amusing. :p

Re: More "Walther Clone" fuel for the fire...

Posted: April 12th, 2015, 1:15 am
by snailman153624
"łącznik" more literally translates to "connector" or "linkage", i.e. like a suspension dogbone, or a telephone cable between two telephones. It is the noun form of the verb which literally means "to connect".

Sorry, did I steal all of the fun out of your observation? I can be boring sometimes lol.