50% increase in ammo prices!

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50% increase in ammo prices!

Post by 6thcav »

Some dingbat senator in Chicago is trying to intro a bill to raise the price of ammo by 50% and to raise the tax on firearms and transfers.He and the rest of Obamas mob must come from a place where the sun never shines!!!!!!
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Re: 50% increase in ammo prices!

Post by Curly1 »

Sour grapes for the CCW law being passed in Illinois recently.
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Re: 50% increase in ammo prices!

Post by wlockridge »

Obama floated this idea a year ago. It's just more liberal bull$hit, like they did with cigarettes. They believe that the bad guys just walk into their local gun shop and buy their ammo like law abiding folks do and, of course no one would ever think to go to Illinois or Indiana and buy their ammo and of course let's not forget that there isn't any tax on stolen guns and ammunition. Liberals can't seem to make the connection that bad guys don't obey the law. That's why we call them bad guys, Chicago’s problem is that they have street gangs running the city. There are places in that city that the POLICE won't even go. I had a case while still on active duty that took me to that fair city and, after a day there, I couldn't wait to get the hell out. I do admire the men and women of the Chicago PD. It would take great intestinal fortitude just to clock in in the morning. Fortunately for me, my problem solved itself. Turns out, the day after I arrived, someone did the world a favour and and took my suspect out of the gene pool. Also note that Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country next to New York, further proof that gun control laws don't have even the slightest impact on crime statistics. I think the best thing they could do is relocate all the decent people, and that would be about three quarters of the population, out of that hell hole, erect a 20 foot fence around the whole city, and let the rest of them kill each other. Sort of like England did with Australia. Air drop a few crates of guns and ammo a week and I figure in 6 months time we're looking at near population zero. I was fortunate to work for a smaller city with plenty of police officers with a lot of free time on their hands. If you were suspected of being, or were a known gang member we put you on the C.R.A.P. program ( Citizens Relocation Assistance Program). That meant that you had your own personal policeman near 24/7 ready to serve and protect. We made life very uncomfortable for these fine folks and had near a 100% success rate. It's tough to commit crimes when you have a police escort :lol: A borough in New York quite a few years back started a similar program. They started a zero tolerance program meaning they started ENFORCING the law. Open containers, loitering, jay walking, disorderly conduct, you name it they enforced it to the letter of the law. What they found was that this made criminals uncomfortable and their overall crime rate dropped by an amazing 70%. Who knew? OK, I've rambled on long enough. My point is that gun control laws never have and never will reduce the crime rate. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. When you disarm the good guys then the bad guys win every time. Also let me apologize to anyone from the windy city that my comments may have offended, they were not directed at you, I was speaking strictly from a law enforcement point of view and things look a bit different from here. Stay safe everyone.
Shoot first, Shoot straight, and hit what you're aiming at, if you can do these things and have six rounds of ammo, you'll have two thirds more than you need to prevail.
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