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CZ 82 question

Posted: February 8th, 2012, 3:16 pm
by WarLord
I posted this in another forum ( but it looks like that is not a very active forum. Any way I am loohing for some information on the CZ 82.

I recently purchased a P 64 and find it to be a nice little gun. Now I am thinking about buying a CZ 82 from J&G sales. I have purchased from them before and had good service.

Now to my question. What is the slide of the CZ 82 made of.? I know it is painted and the ones I see usually have wear marks and chips.

Is it steel and can it be blued or is it an alloy?

Thanks in advance for any information.

Re: CZ 82 question

Posted: February 8th, 2012, 4:15 pm
by lklawson
I read that forum once or twice a day. I see that you posted there about 12:30 or so. I probably would have seen it tonight or tomorrow morning.

The slide is steel. It can be blued, parked, etc. But, yes, you first have to get the epoxy based paint off.

I'll post the same answer over on the CZForum.

Peace favor your sword,

Re: CZ 82 question

Posted: February 8th, 2012, 5:41 pm
by WarLord
Thank you very much for the reply.

I am going to guess getting the paint off is quite a job?

Re: CZ 82 question

Posted: February 8th, 2012, 5:55 pm
by lklawson
I've never stripped one so I can't say with any authority. I've read that some folks have used wire-wheels with success (but a lot of effort) and some have used chemical strippers with good success (I don't recall which).

Peace favor your sword,

Re: CZ 82 question

Posted: February 9th, 2012, 3:14 pm
by spectre520
I have had good luck with bead blasting the expoxy coating off. sand blasting is too harsh but the beads seem to do a smoother and easier to finish job.
Good luck. The CZ82 and 83 is one of my all time favorite guns.

Re: CZ 82 question

Posted: February 9th, 2012, 5:45 pm
by Dwight
If you decide to blast the finish off, make sure that you read the instructions for the finish you intend to apply.

I used Duracoat on the last 3 CZ-82's I refinished, and I foolishly used glass beads to blast one of them. The Duracoat instructions state clearly that blasting should be done with Aluminum Oxide, and that glass beads were not recommended because they tend to burnish the surface of the metal, making adhesion of the Duracoat poor. As predicted, the finish on the glass beaded pistol did not hold up nearly as well as it should have. The ones I blasted with Aluminum oxide have held up beautifully!


Re: CZ 82 question

Posted: March 14th, 2012, 4:32 am
by Nutnspecial
Interesting thread. Being the CZ-82 has a "paint" type of finish, I would think a chemical stripping would be a first best step. I used "Berryman Chem-Dip" when I was rebuilding carburetors. It will strip skin from bone! MSDS of their product is here. -->

Duracoating would be the least expensive, where as "hot caustic blueing" would be $190 (the top of the line blueing)

It's hard to justify a $190 "refinish" on a $220 gun, however, some will put a $2K paint job on a 1986 Yugo! It's all about what "you" want. I'd like to see a CZ-82 turned into a "Nickel Plated Sissy Pistol". :D Don't laugh! I bet you it would look fine as all get out!

Re: CZ 82 question

Posted: March 14th, 2012, 9:02 am
by lklawson
I have a friend how had his done in Metalife:

Peace favor your sword,

Re: CZ 82 question

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 11:02 am
by Nutnspecial
lklawson wrote:I have a friend how had his done in Metalife:

Peace favor your sword,
Wow! Beautiful results! Thank's for the link! Bookmarked twice :D

Re: CZ 82 question

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 8:47 pm
by johnb007
If you get a good one, the finish should be good as-is. Mine looks like a new gun, and is the best shooter in my collection!

Re: CZ 82 question

Posted: March 21st, 2012, 12:32 am
by Nutnspecial
johnb007 wrote:If you get a good one, the finish should be good as-is. Mine looks like a new gun, and is the best shooter in my collection!
My CZ-82 should arrive Thursday or Friday (from Classic Arms). I'll take some detailed pics and post. BTW, I did pay the $10 "hand pick" option. I'm hoping for one that is just that.. looks like a "new gun"!
If so, I will certainly leave well enough alone. It will be my 1st C&R and the 1st firearm of any kind since the mid 90's that I've owned. If all is well, I have $85 with a "Post-It-Note" stuck on it for a set of Meprolight True Dot Tritium sites! 8)

Re: CZ 82 question

Posted: March 27th, 2012, 8:09 pm
by nightwatch
I bought a cz82 that had been completely stripped and refinished in duracoat from mach1arsenal and am totally happy with it. It looks like a brand new gun. They have different color combos available. Mine is all black. Mine is a GREAT shooter with a light trigger pull. Based on my experience I would reccomend them. They have some listed on or you can call and buy direct from them. You won't find a better looking cz82 anywhere. Good luck!

Re: CZ 82 question

Posted: March 28th, 2012, 12:29 am
by Nutnspecial
nightwatch wrote:I bought a cz82 that had been completely stripped and refinished in duracoat from mach1arsenal and am totally happy with it. It looks like a brand new gun. They have different color combos available. Mine is all black. Mine is a GREAT shooter with a light trigger pull. Based on my experience I would reccomend them. They have some listed on or you can call and buy direct from them. You won't find a better looking cz82 anywhere. Good luck!
+1 on Mach1 :!: I saw a 10min youtube vid from a guy that bought one there in person. In it he showed the shop area including 6 or more CZ82's stripped and ready to Duracoat. As well as the color options of those already done that are for sale. And their price is unbeatable from what I've researched! You can see that 10 min video here:

Below are pics of the one I got from Classic (with $10 hand pick):


I have a set of new black grips ($19) that will be here tomorrow from CZ-USA (they are back in stock!). I've also ordered a Versacarry gen II clip/holster (that most ppl laugh about on other forums) :?: However, the absolute next item on my list has to be the Meprolight Tru Dot Tritium night sights ($85) :!: Having had cataract surgery a few years back, I can't see squat closer to me than 6 feet (without reading glasses). Without them, I'm sure I will fail my CHP range qualification test. :cry:

BTW, You Know Who went UP $10 on their P-64 :evil: I guess it's all about "supply and demand" :|

Re: CZ 82 question

Posted: March 28th, 2012, 12:31 am
by Curly1
Nice one, looks like it was never used.

Re: CZ 82 question

Posted: March 28th, 2012, 2:51 am
by Nutnspecial
Curly1 wrote:Nice one, looks like it was never used.
But...U oughta see the barrel! Looks like ALL the lands and groves of the rifling have been shot away! It's worn "smooth"! LOL, Just kidding :D (polygonal rifling)

While still recovering from "radial nerve palsy" in my "dominant" right hand, I did quite a bit of research on the CZ-82. If you remember, I had my heart set on the P-64! Anyhow, I am SO glad I got a CZ-82 first! And for reasons not having anything to do with the paralysis in my right hand. (BTW, my right hand has about 30% recovery), yet I can NOT hold the CZ82 one handed with my right hand!

And THIS fact alone, makes me glad I got the 82 1st! Think about right hand is messed up, geezz, I should get a 9 ounce Kel-Tec 380? Wrong! I'm glad I didn't go down that road. :shock:

I have been handling this CZ (UN-loaded of course) with my left hand, and I must say, "wow"!

I used to carry a "Boss owned" S&W 659 some 30 years ago...(the owner was my employer) ....and quite frankly, I'm not a fan of "safety/De-cocking levers". (S&W 39/59/6xx/ Walther PP/PPK, P-64, etc.) I like to Manually De-cock a self loading pistol! (Revolver owners can go to bed early) LOL

Make no mistake, the owner's manual from CZ-USA is in ERROR! (on page 6).

With thumb press on the groove area (thumb piece) of hammer, pull the trigger and release the hammer slowly ahead (figure 6) until it rests on the the action or safety thumb of the hammer". Release the trigger :roll: NOT!!!! Release the trigger at the FIRST movement of felt hammer travel! Do NOT lower the hammer with the trigger "fully pulled"! OMG!