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Sight Picture

Posted: May 19th, 2006, 8:37 am
by p64
I know the correct sight picture on my .45 but not on my Mak.
For ex, on the .45 it is front sight centered and top of front post at bottom of target @ 25 yards, this will result in a center hit.

My question is this. What is the sight picture on my Mak at this same distance?

As always your help is appreciated.

Sight Picture

Posted: May 19th, 2006, 1:28 pm
by himmel
Dunno about the Mak, the P64 is supposed to be set that way for a 50-yard target, right? I put the sights on my own Mak that way--center post level with rear sight and just under the target--at about 9 yards and blew the targets away (they were 6-oz water bottles laid on their sides, bottoms facing me..)

Sight Picture

Posted: May 20th, 2006, 2:00 am
by normsutton

Sight Picture

Posted: May 20th, 2006, 6:40 am
by abwehr
I think most military pistols are set for the 6 o'clock hold as shown in "normsutton's" posts example. At least that is what I was tought in the Army.

Sight Picture

Posted: May 22nd, 2006, 5:19 pm
by hawkerjim
You guys are fortunate to be able to SEE the sights. Too old and too much.....


Sight Picture

Posted: May 23rd, 2006, 6:16 am
by abwehr

I understand completely what you say! I can either see the sights and not the target, or the target and not the sights. One of the two is blurred. I have one of the little attachments for my shooting glasses that has the little hole and it works OK, but not as good as my eyes did originally. My only thing now is to use a Blaze Orange dot on the target, focus on the sights, and at least see the Blaze Orange dot which is out of focus.

I still "point shoot" so this works fine for me and I don't have to worry too much about focusing the sights.

Sight Picture

Posted: May 23rd, 2006, 6:35 am
by p64

Can you give any info on point shooting the p-64?
Techniques, details, links?

Sight Picture

Posted: May 23rd, 2006, 8:53 am
by papabear
P-64, Point Shooting or "Aimed - But not Sighted" put simply, is taking your shooting hand and pointing at an object using only your mind and sight. Example, without a gun in you hand, pick out an object somewhere and point at it. With your hand at your side, bring up your hand and simply point at the object with you shooting hand, just like you would do if someone asked were something was and you pointed at it. When you point at something, then look down your arm and hand and you see that you are pointing exactly at the object you wanting to hit if you were shooting. With a gun in your hand it takes practice, especially when you start to actually fire the gun. There is a site at: that actually has a Point Shooting Training Outline. I practiced this often with my carry gun and home defense gun about 3-4 times a month at my shooting range, it is pretty much a automatic response to me now, but it does take a lot of practice, at least it did for me. At 7 yards with my P-64, Bulgie Makarov, and my S&W M13 3" .357 I can hit a 9" paper plate consistently with my first three shots using the Point Shooting method.


Sight Picture

Posted: May 24th, 2006, 10:56 am
by abwehr

Thanks for the explanation, I could not have doneit better myself!! I had advanced hadgun training in the Army and this is what I was tought to use for combat. I did not believe until I used it and it DOES work. For defensive shooting, this is the only way for me.

During this training course, I also learned that the eyes WILL fool you, but your mind will not. The example was to be on the firing line with the target 3 M away. When the instructor blew the whistle, we were to withdraw out weapon and fire 3 rounds into the target, and reholster. The shots were all within 5" and this was acceptable.

THEN, the instructor said we would do the same exercise except in the DARK, absolutly NO light. The instructor said to look at the target and get it in your mind, lights go off and at a point, the instructor blew the whistle to withdraw weapon, fire 3 rounds into the target and reholster. Then the lights come back on. Guess what, all but one had all shots were in 3" except for one girl and hers was still better than shooting in the light

This course really did teach me how to combat shoot.