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We made GOOGLE!

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 11:43 pm
by garry
My Daughter Rach has just returned from an Internship at Google ! She is on her way back to Hamilton College in NY. Google is based in Mountainview,Cal. She has 4 days to cross the country !!! Sheeewie ! Oh to be young again. She has applied for a permanent position and it looks hopeful for her. anyways , i just thought i'd chime in. G

We made GOOGLE!

Posted: November 22nd, 2007, 10:35 am
by gotmak
I wish those nerds on the "MAKAROV" board could see this --maybe somedAy they will start saying they are from RADOM. LOL
NOT LIKELY CZAKboy!!! :D Google has you at #6 this morning, and that is where I found you originally. Happy Thanksgiving Dickfunk & abwehr, and good luck to your wife on her new forum.